Keep track of your progress with counters. Use them, for example, for stitches, rows, rounds, and similar measurements.Knit Stitch Patterns
A collection of various knitting patterns that you can use to create unique designs and textures in your knitting. You can find everything from simple patterns to more complex onces.Translations
A list of words and terms translated into various languages.Unit converter
A tool that makes it easy to convert values from one unit to another. You can convert length and weight.Size calculator
This tool helps you convert the number of stitches from one size to another in knitting projects. It’s useful when you want to adapt a pattern to your own size.Yarn alternatives
Are you starting a new recipe? Then this tool can quickly find yarn from your inventory that matches the gauge and where you have enough.Yarn length calculator
Converts the amount of yarn from one pattern to another yarn.Profiles
Do you have a knitting/crochet café, design patterns, sell yarn, or something similar? Then create a profile and make it easier for our users to find you.Search
Find knitting cafes, yarn sellers, pattern designers, etc.Advanced counters
In some cases, it is advantageous to have multiple counters combined into one. You can do that with advanced counters.In- and decrease stitches
This tool will help you with the steps to either increse or decrease your stitches.Yarn storage
Keep track of your yarn by entering your inventory, how much you have, gauge etc.Knitting needles
With knitting needle storage, it’s easy to keep track of what you have.Crochet hooks
With crochet hooks stock, it’s easy to keep track of what you have.Patterns
With your patterns collected, they are easy to find and quick to start a new project.Projects
Projects help you remember how far you’ve come, important information from patterns, which needles/hooks you use, etc.